An early morning email told me that my book won a Florida Authors and Publishers President’s Book Award! Publishing can be a tough business, and it was nice to wake up to good news this morning. I’ll miss the awards banquet because I’ll be in the northeast for other book events, but I look forward to learning more about the other winners. So often we’re told that true validation can only come from within ourselves, but I truly appreciate the random bursts of external validation.
I’m not sure yet about the details of the award, but I know I’ll get a medal (gimme a minute to totally nerd out about the medal), some decals for my book covers, and a little online recognition. I hope to meet some other Florida authors, but I’m not sure how realistic that is since I’ll miss the banquet.
For anyone who’s discouraged about their creative endeavors, please remember this: the occasional good result is awesome, but for every “yes,” there are a ton of “noes” and, perhaps worse, implied noes through silence. Lots of time, angst, neuroses, doubt, and persistence (at least for me) go into making one “yes” happen. Keep going, friends.